One formula to help improve your
Get the precise supplements your body needs based on an at-home urine test and medical quiz, made just for you, no two formulas are alike.
Take the Quiz
One pill to replace them all
Things just got personal. Say goodbye to pill organizers, and multivitamins.
This is the most convenient way to fuel your body and mind.
How it works
Similar quality to top brands
With savings up to 60% by shipping all ingredients in one bottle.
Our manufacturer follows GMP standards and is registered with the FDA. To meet these standards, testing includes microbiological testing, physical testing, concentration testing (mass spectrometry), and identity testing (mass spectrometry, FT-IR).
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) refers to regulations enforced by the FDA. GMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. More information on GMP can be found here.
NSF - NSF certification is an ongoing investment into product quality and beyond. Unlike a one-time certification, NSF-certification involves regular on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities as well as regular testing. More information on NSF can be found here.
Whenever possible we get our nutrients from vegetarian sources. Since not all are found in plants, we do source some ingredients from labs or animals as needed.
Bioavailability refers to how well a nutrient is absorbed and utilized throughout the body. A number of factors can impact nutrient bioavailability, including: digestive tract health and efficiency, diet, microbiome, taking supplements with meals or medications, environmental toxicants, interaction with other nutrients and most importantly, the quality, source, and form of the ingredients. May not be applicable to all ingredients.
Quality is everything. The ingredients in Vessel Fuel supplements are thoughtfully sourced from around the world.
Capsules are sourced from plants which decreases the likelihood of sensitivities since there are no animal proteins. It is also kinder to the animals!.
The ingredients from whole food are better absorbed by the body since they are better recognized as food and have synergistic elements therefore, impacting our health more positively.
We cannot promise all ingredients are gluten free, however Fuel is gluten friendly and is likely well tolerated by people with gluten sensitivity. If you have a serious gluten allergy, or Celiac disease, some ingredients are not suitable for you. Please contact customer service with any questions.
Chelated minerals are touted for their improved absorption. When referring to supplements, chelates are minerals attached to amino acids, like L-glycine or L-carnosine. Our digestive system is really good at absorbing amino acids, and so the minerals are absorbed right along with them. Applicable to Zinc and Magnesium.
The methylated forms of the applicable ingredients are active and more bioavailable than the non methylated forms, this is important for those with genetic variants that impair methylation. Since Fuel is customized, the methylated forms are used unless it is determined that they are not optimal for you.
Niacinamide prevents the flushing sensation typically associated with Niacin supplementation. Only applies to Niacin.
Herbs are researched to be effective based on certain chemical components. The herbs utilized in Fuel are standarized to ensure that you are getting the effective amount of these chemical components. If the form of the herb utilized in Fuel is not the standardized then we ensure it is also in the right ratio to be as effective.
We send one bottle every three months which you refill using biodegradable refill pouches. Every bit of plastic we can keep out of the landfills and oceans helps.
By using independent organizations to test our products and verify their quality, we show that we stand behind our product. These third party organizations are in now way tied to our own and are included in our manufacturing process to ensure we maintain a high level of manufacturing standard.
Our manufacturer follows GMP standards and is registered with the FDA. To meet these standards, testing includes microbiological testing, physical testing, concentration testing (mass spectrometry), and identity testing (mass spectrometry, FT-IR).
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) refers to regulations enforced by the FDA. GMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. More information on GMP can be found here.
NSF - NSF certification is an ongoing investment into product quality and beyond. Unlike a one-time certification, NSF-certification involves regular on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities as well as regular testing. More information on NSF can be found here.
Whenever possible we get our nutrients from vegetarian sources. Since not all are found in plants, we do source some ingredients from labs or animals as needed.
Bioavailability refers to how well a nutrient is absorbed and utilized throughout the body. A number of factors can impact nutrient bioavailability, including: digestive tract health and efficiency, diet, microbiome, taking supplements with meals or medications, environmental toxicants, interaction with other nutrients and most importantly, the quality, source, and form of the ingredients. May not be applicable to all ingredients.
Quality is everything. The ingredients in Vessel Fuel supplements are thoughtfully sourced from around the world.
Capsules are sourced from plants which decreases the likelihood of sensitivities since there are no animal proteins. It is also kinder to the animals!.
The ingredients from whole food are better absorbed by the body since they are better recognized as food and have synergistic elements therefore, impacting our health more positively.
We cannot promise all ingredients are gluten free, however Fuel is gluten friendly and is likely well tolerated by people with gluten sensitivity. If you have a serious gluten allergy, or Celiac disease, some ingredients are not suitable for you. Please contact customer service with any questions.
Chelated minerals are touted for their improved absorption. When referring to supplements, chelates are minerals attached to amino acids, like L-glycine or L-carnosine. Our digestive system is really good at absorbing amino acids, and so the minerals are absorbed right along with them. Applicable to Zinc and Magnesium.
The methylated forms of the applicable ingredients are active and more bioavailable than the non methylated forms, this is important for those with genetic variants that impair methylation. Since Fuel is customized, the methylated forms are used unless it is determined that they are not optimal for you.
Niacinamide prevents the flushing sensation typically associated with Niacin supplementation. Only applies to Niacin.
Herbs are researched to be effective based on certain chemical components. The herbs utilized in Fuel are standarized to ensure that you are getting the effective amount of these chemical components. If the form of the herb utilized in Fuel is not the standardized then we ensure it is also in the right ratio to be as effective.
We send one bottle every three months which you refill using biodegradable refill pouches. Every bit of plastic we can keep out of the landfills and oceans helps.
By using independent organizations to test our products and verify their quality, we show that we stand behind our product. These third party organizations are in now way tied to our own and are included in our manufacturing process to ensure we maintain a high level of manufacturing standard.
Lowest price guarantee
Shipping all your ingredients in one bottle saves a lot of money, up to 60%. We guarantee the lowest price, and we even show Amazon’s prices right next to ours.
*Applies to all formulas with 12 or more ingredients

Members are loving it

I just took a Vessel test after being on Fuel for about 2 weeks and my score went from 66 to 80! Even though I spent 2 hours in the hot tub last night and had a couple of beers and ate pizza for dinner! I wanted to see what my levels would be at after a not-so-healthy night lol. So far I'm loving them!
Aimee's Goals
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Mike founder of Cold Plunge
Took the vitamins from vessel for the first time this morning. Definitely buzzing. Probably should cut back on coffee when taking this.
Mike's Goals
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Haven't missed a day. I took them again this morning and I feel crazy focused. I don't need caffeine now and my wife just ordered hers.
Tommy's Goals
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I’m a pilot and I don’t have much consistency in my schedule, so I’ve struggled with falling asleep my entire career.   I’ve been taking Fuel for about three weeks or so and my sleep has improved dramatically, as well as my energy levels.  I am so glad I gave the personalized vitamins a chance.
Noel's Goals
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Built by doctors

for their patients and families


How do you personalize my supplements?
Vessel Fuel is a personalized multi-vitamin supplement that is designed to provide just what your body needs based on your Vessel test results. The metrics gathered from your Wellness Card test results will be the blueprint for your unique formula, which will be designed and produced once you place your order. Just take the test, get your personalized supplements, then watch your wellness levels improve. Your Vessel Fuel will arrive with your name right on the bottle, so you know it was made just for you!
How do you ensure quality of the ingredients?
Vessel Fuel is made at an FDA-registered facility that is NSF certified. Vessel Fuel is personalized for you specifically based on your results, whereas generic multivitamins are not. Plus, many generic multivitamins are heavily processed and can contain: fillers, artificial colors, hydrogenated oils, titanium dioxide (which is considered a carcinogen), and even carrageenan - a vegan thickening agent that has been shown to cause inflammation of the digestive tract. Vessel Fuel does not contain any of these ingredients; in fact, all of our ingredients have been chosen and sourced by doctors themselves! Vessel Fuel ingredients are sourced from top suppliers worldwide to ensure the best quality and most bioavailable ingredients are used in our products. We carry methylated, fermented, and chelated ingredients, alongside whole food options. Quality is key!
Should I change my diet as well?
There is no need to make any modifications to your diet, but incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet may help you improve your results more efficiently! Your Vessel Fuel supplements are meant to replenish deficiencies based on the metrics collected by your Wellness Card tests and will support your usual intake, but if you are interested in learning what changes can be made to support you in your journey towards optimal health, we can help! We do recommend that all members benefitting from our Wellness Cards and Vessel Fuel supplementation also engage with our concierge Nutritional Coaches in order to understand and optimize all aspects of their Vessel experience. This way, a professional can make recommendations based on your personal lifestyle and goals with consideration of your Wellness Card test results. Our on-staff coaches are readily available to support you in your journey towards optimal health and are available to assist with any and all questions you might have via liveChat or during a free, 15-minute Wellness Walkthrough.
How long does it typically take for my levels to improve?
Everyone’s body is different. It will likely take different amounts of time for the various nutrients in your Vessel Fuel supplement to reflect in your Wellness Card test results - that’s why it’s so important to take your Fuel consistently! With consistent supplementation, many people see improved metrics as soon as a few weeks later. Sometimes, results even improve in 1-2 weeks! If you’re unsure why you aren’t seeing your levels improve, make sure you chat with your Nutrition Coach. Your Coach will help you sort out which factors could be affecting your results, as well as develop a personalized plan for you.
If I stop taking them will my levels go back down?
Consistency is key when taking supplements. In order to maintain your progress, you should keep taking your Vessel Fuels supplements regardless of your test results. Some nutrients are stored in our bodies ‘storage’, while others must be consumed daily to support the various processes our bodies depend on them for. Not taking your supplement could deplete those nutrient ‘stores’ and could result in a deficiency.
Does the formula change if my levels improve?
No, your formula will not change. Your body will be supported by the specific, personalized formula of nutrients in your Vessel Fuel supplement as you achieve and maintain the healthy levels you’re aspiring to. If you decrease the amount of nutrients in your formula, it's possible that your Wellness Card test results will start to show a deficiency. As you and your results evolve, your Nutrition Coach is ready to assist you with any questions you may have about your Vessel Fuel supplement!